Excerpt from "Denton Quadrangle Data Sheet, Geologic Report, Ouachita Overthrust Belt". Denton and Wise Counties, Texas, Scale 1:96,000
Structural anomalies DT-9 and DT-10 are southeast-plunging anticlines. The structures are most likely the same feature separated by a probable major fault zone. Geomorphic anomalies DT-9 and DT-10 are defined by deflected and subannular drainage patterns in addition to possible fault control. The "possible major fault at depth" associated with DT-9 and DT-10 may be a bounding fault of the Muenster Arch. DT-11 is a small geomorphic anomaly based on deflected and arcuate drainage and its location on a topographic high. The anomaly might also be associated with structural anomaly DT-10.

EXAMPLE MAP - Arkansas Valley, Conway County Arkansas
Detailed Photogeologic-Geomorphic Study Arkansas Valley, Arkansa

Gently dipping surface rocks (Pennsylvanian) are obscured by thinly mantled glacial deposits. Geomorphic anomalies are based on anomalous drainage patterns and deflections. Surface alignments might reflect near surface faulting resulting from "differential Isostatic rebound". Producing wells are shown in red at the Kenner West, Kenner, and Kenner North fields.

Applied Geomorphic Analysis Tutorial:
TMR offers a tutorial discussion of our geomorphic analysis techniques. This has been prepared to describe the techniques our company, Trollinger-Marsh Resources, Inc. (TMR) has developed and utilized for more than 35 years of photogeologic-geomorphic mapping.
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Email us at jhollberg@Photogeology.com to request a copy of Applied Geomorphic Analysis - A Tutorial
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