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Geophoto Services was once a competitor to TGA in Denver Colorado.  It was purchased by Texas Instruments and later Western Geophysical. John Hollberg acquired this mapping library from Western Geophysical to combine with our other mapping libraries.  While a great deal of this mapping covers areas contained in our other libraries it does contain a great deal of coverage in South America, Africa that are not covered by our other mapping.

Most of this mapping was prepared using air photographs at the scale of 1:20,000.  Each set of air photographs were studied stereoscopically and annotated with visually estimated dips and strikes, faults and fracture patterns, fold axes, and geomorphic evidences of structure


  1. B&W Geo-referenced images (tiff images), on flash drive, (Projection to be specified by client)

It is understood that any Hollberg / TMR coverage will be provided to under a license agreement.

Hard Copy prints are also available.

Google Earth
Geophoto Services
 US Coverage
Geophoto Services
 Alaska Coverage
Google Earth
Geophoto Services
World Coverage

© Hollberg Exploration LLC All Rights Reserved

Hollberg Exploration, LLC & Trollinger-Marsh Resources, Inc., 3615 S Huron St. Suite 203, Englewood CO 80110

303.783.3603 (fax 303.783.3678)

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